Alayna's Testimony: Finding Hope in the Darkness
Hello, Alayna here!
First of all, I’d like to apologize on the behalf of my friends and myself for the blog being so slow lately. Everyone’s schedules are picking back up again and it’s hard to find time to write together! We’re working on a new scheduling system though so there should be more activity now. This testimony is particularly tardy- I’ve been (sort of) working on it for months, but I just couldn’t seem to get it right for so long! But ahem. This isn’t supposed to be an excuse post. I’d better quit the apologies for right now.
The world is a pretty depressing place. Everywhere I look I see darkness. The word “2020” is even starting to become a joke! People are scared, lonely, and depressed. They’re finding their identity in how many social media followers they have or how perfect their lives seem on the outside. It’s so easy to get swept away in the tension and petty bickering and to not fight to keep your head above water and your eyes on Jesus.
Why waste time and get bogged down in worrying about who’s winning the election or what's happening in the world? These things are silly in comparison to the real war that’s being fought over our souls. If we’re real Christians, we live for the future Kingdom and the Omnipresent King. If we live for the King and the Kingdom, our lives should show it. God is bigger than the brokenness of this world, and He'll never, ever leave us.
Take a walk and as you enjoy the fall scenery around you, thank God for His kindness. Spending time with your Creator is a privilege, not an obligation! Make time for it every day. Ask Him to use you to change the lives of others around you. You have a priceless treasure inside you, an antidote to the poison. Share it with others who are dying! Keep a correct perspective of the world. This is how we live for the Kingdom.
Yes, the brokenness is real. I see it every day. But Jesus has made a promise to His disciples that He will never, ever leave us and He’s already won the battle against sin. God is in control. One day, He will wipe away every tear from our eyes and death will be no more. Knowing that gives me hope and makes my heart sing. This is His year, His week, His day. Surrender it fully to Him and He’ll use it, I promise. I’ve seen Him work in my own life and in the lives of others around me.
Feel free to comment and tell us how you’ve seen the King’s presence in your own life! :)
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